About Us

Learn about Bucknell Elementary!

Bucknell Elementary, located in Alexandria, Virginia, is a quaint neighborhood school primarily serving the adjacent neighborhoods of Bucknell Manor and Bucknell Heights. Most students live close by and walk to and from school. The school grounds feature ball fields and playgrounds regularly utilized by neighborhood families and local athletic leagues.

Bucknell opened its doors in 1955 and today educates a diverse student body, numbering approximately 300 students, pre-K through 6th grade. Bucknell’s teachers are a dedicated group of professionals focused on preparing students for the future. Bucknell’s street address, University Drive, appropriately reflects the high expectations of faculty for students and teachers, alike. The school community believes that all students can and must learn at the highest level. Every teacher is committed to providing positive learning experiences that emphasize instructional rigor. Classrooms are safe, nurturing places for young minds to develop and grow.

Our Beliefs

We will continue to build our collective intelligence to improve teaching to ensure all students achieve their fullest potential by focusing on:

  • Student Learning with High Expectations.
  • Implementing Anti-Biased and Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Instruction.
  • The Work of Collaborative Teams.
  • Fostering a Positive School Culture and Strengthening Student, Staff, and Family Relationship.

Our Mission Statement

At Bucknell Elementary School, we build, empower, and succeed.

Our Vision Statement

 We are a dedicated, inclusive community with a focus on:

  • Building collaborative relationships with students, parents, and the community.
  • Empowering students to be confident, life-long learners.
  • Ensuring high levels of learning for all students to succeed.
  • Motivating, engaging, and inspiring student to be leaders that change the world.

FCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities

Bucknell Elementary is a part of Region 3