What are the new big concepts for your grade level this year?
- Kindergarteners this year will learn all about letters in the alphabet. They will learn how to identify them, write them, and learn the sounds they make. They will also learn about books and poems and how to write a story.
- In math, they will learn how to write numbers, count to 100, and ways to make the numbers (1,2,3,4 and 5). We will also be working on counting forward and backward.
- In Science, we will be learning all about our 5 senses. The differences between living and non-living things, shadows, and life cycles (ants & pumpkins)
- In Social Studies, we learn about the routines of school and how we can be good citizens. We learn about past vs present, wants vs needs, the roles of community helpers, and geography.
Do you have any exciting projects planned for the year? If so, share a little bit about them.
- We will complete a non-fiction research project focusing on a student’s favorite animals.
Our school is focusing on the Portrait Of a Graduate Communicator skill– how might your team teach/use this skill this year?
- Kindergarteners learn all about communication and how to be communicators. They are learning to ask for help when needed and the difference between questions and comments.
What is your team most looking forward to this year?
- We are looking forward to watching our students grow and establishing their love of school.
Advice for families to help your student succeed in and outside of the classroom.
- We encourage reading with your child for at least 20 minutes daily.
- Please practice how to tie your shoes.
- We encourage the routine practice of personal information including address, phone number, lunch pin, birthday, etc.
- We also suggest daily counting practice and references to time (before, after, 1st, 2nd, etc).
- Lastly, ST Math, MyON, and Lexia are great resources to use in the home environment.
- Questions? Please ask!