2023-24 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At A Glance

  • 2023-2024

  • Bucknell Elementary School

  • Region 3

  • Rashida Green, Principal

English Language Arts


Students reading on grade level by the end of 3rd Grade.


By June 2024, the total percent of English Language Learners demonstrating on grade level reading ability by 3rd grade, as measured by the iReady assessment, will increase from 13% to 18%.

Strategy 1

Expand the use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. (HLP 2, 5)


  1. CLTs unpack phonics/word study scope and sequence to provide systematic, explicit instruction in word recognition to all students on a daily basis.
  2. Use skills-based groupings to differentiate foundational skills instruction.
  3. Utilize Lexia Core5/Power Up to provide access to structured literacy to all students.

Strategy 2

Expand access to evidence-based tier 1 instruction as well as intervention for students demonstrating risk in a multi-tiered system of supports. (HLP 1-5)


  1. Design alternative structures for intervention that include an intervention block, where Tier 3 identified students receive IMSE Orton-Gillingham Instruction.
  2. Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions utilize progress monitoring systems to identify the effectiveness of intervention on a monthly basis through monthly MTSS CT meetings. Student progress will be documented in SIS.
  3. Provide additional planning time for teachers to allow them to plan for high-quality tier 1,  tier 2, and tier 3 instruction during quarterly planning days.

Strategy 3

Expand use of conversation structures to increase academic talk and build relationships among students. (HLP 1, 3)


  1. Plan and implement interactive read-alouds of complex texts that include activities before, during, and after reading that are intentionally focused on oral language and vocabulary development.
  2. Incorporate instructional practices to provide opportunities for extended discourse (e.g., sentence frames, dialogic conversations, scaffolded talk moves, Jacob's ladder, Socratic Seminar).
  3. Utilize POG Resources (e.g., Communicator Conversation Cards, Anchor Charts, Vertical Articulation Charts) to embed opportunities for students to learn, apply, and reflect on the POG Communicator attribute.



Growth and performance on state/national/international assessments in math.  Successful completion of Algebra 1 by 8th Grade (leading indicators).


By June 2024, the total percentage of English Language Learners in grades 4-6, making SOL growth, as measured by the SOL assessment, will increase from 43% to 48%.

Strategy 1

Increase teachers' implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.


  1. Conduct individual coaching cycles with teachers focused on modeling Shift 4 and the 5 practices instructional moves.
  2. Conduct professional development sessions with teachers that introduce/reintroduce them to Shift 4 and the 5 practices and allow them to self-assess and set personal goals.
  3. Utilize POG Resources (e.g., Communicator Conversation Cards, Anchor Charts, Vertical Articulation Charts) to embed opportunities for students to learn, apply, and reflect on the POG Communicator attribute.

Strategy 2

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.


  1. Conduct professional development sessions with teachers on how to use Ready Set Math and ST Math for targeted small-group instruction and progress monitoring.
  2. Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions utilize progress monitoring systems to identify the effectiveness of intervention on a monthly basis through monthly MTSS CT meetings. Student progress will be documented in SIS.
  3. Provide additional planning time for teachers to allow them to plan for high-quality tier 1,  tier 2, and tier 3 instruction during quarterly planning days.



Growth and performance on state/national/international assessments in science.


By Spring 2024, at least 90% of students will receive a passing score on the science SOL, as measured by the VA Standards of Accreditation.

Strategy 1

Increase the frequency of student learning experiences that are inquiry-based and hands-on.


  1. The FCPS Curriculum Resources and/or PPG are used to plan each unit of inquiry-based instruction.
  2. Hands-on laboratory investigations are used as anchoring experiences before direct instruction and at least every two weeks.

Strategy 2

Increase opportunities to develop vocabulary through inquiry-based learning, followed by explicit instruction.


  1. Vocabulary acquisition occurs through inquiry-based experiences before teachers provide explicit instruction and definitions.
  2. Utilize POG Resources (e.g., Communicator Conversation Cards, Anchor Charts, Vertical Articulation Charts) to embed opportunities for students to learn, apply, and reflect on the POG Communicator attribute.
  3. Scaffold explicit instruction for ELLs to develop academic vocabulary.

Strategy 3

Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress through units.


  1. Teachers design formative assessments as part of the CT Cycle that evaluate students' progress on standards and guide instruction as needed.
  2. Teachers utilize a variety of meaningful formative assessments to inform instruction, including discourse, conferencing, writing in laboratory notebooks, and writing conclusions.
  3. Teachers utilize CT time to identify areas of growth and plan the next steps (spiral review) based on formative assessments given throughout the unit of study.

Chronic Absenteeism


Student attendance and absenteeism rates.


By the end of the 2023-24 school year, we will reduce our school’s chronic absenteeism rate from 21% to 15%, as evidenced by our chronic absenteeism data.

Strategy 1

Strengthening messaging to staff, students, and families around attendance at school. Each stakeholder should be able to understand how daily attendance matters, not only for academic success but because the school offers an opportunity to develop social and emotional skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving, and self-regulation, all of which are needed to grow and learn.


  1. Provide information sessions for families on the importance of attendance (PTA, Family Spotlights, Parent/Principal Meetings)
  2. Send monthly information on attendance to families utilizing Parent communication platforms (News You Choose, Talking Points, etc.)
  3. The clinical team will communicate and collaborate with staff on the implementation of attendance plans for students.

Strategy 2

Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine the need for intervention and additional support.


  1. All stakeholders will collaborate around student attendance and implement attendance plans to address tier 2 and tier 3  students (SEL CTs, MTSS Core Team Meeting, Parent Attendance Conferences)
  2. Utilize data to determine tiered support for students and families to address absenteeism.
  3. Utilize progress monitoring systems to identify the effectiveness of interventions and student progress  on a monthly basis during Clinical Team Meetings