Second Grade
What are the new big concepts for your grade level this year?
- We will be spending time on explicit and systematic phonics instruction to help grow our reading skills.
- We are working on fluency with numbers up to 1000 in math, we will be regrouping this year!
- In Science, we get to grow Monarch butterflies and explore their life cycle.
- In Social Studies, we will focus on famous Americans and their contributions.
Do you have any exciting projects planned for the year? If so, share a little bit about them.
- We will watch monarch butterflies grow and observe their life cycle. Once they have become a butterfly they are free to migrate to Mexico!
Our school is focusing on the Portrait Of a Graduate Communicator skill– how might your team teach/use this skill this year?
- We are spending a lot of time talking to build in-depth conversations.
- Students will also build communication skills through access to AAP Curriculum, including Socratic Seminar, Jacob’s Ladder, and hands-down conversations.
What is your team most looking forward to this year?
- We’re looking forward to building independence and practicing social skills in order to grow as an impactful citizens of the community.
Advice for families to help your student succeed in and outside of the classroom.
- Please try to read with your child every day for at least thirty minutes.
- We encourage you to look for mathematical ideas in your everyday world including patterns, numbers, money, time, etc.
- Attendance is important and affects your child’s academic progress. Please attend school as much as possible!