Fifth Grade
What are the new big concepts for your grade level this year?
- In 5th grade, we are focusing on Science. Topics include force, motion and energy, landforms, magnetism & electricity, and light & sound.
- In Math, the majority of our time is spent focusing on developing an understanding of fraction-decimal relationships.
Do you have any exciting projects planned for the year? If so, share a little bit about them.
- 5th graders will complete the GATP project this year. Students will explore an essential question on a global topic.
Our school is focusing on the Portrait Of a Graduate Communicator skill– how might your team teach/use this skill this year?
- Students are encouraged to turn and talk as a part of their daily routine in developing conversation skills and student growth.
- In Science, students participate in activities that encourage inquiry and global citizenship.
- In general, students are asked to explain and share their thinking about a variety of strategies.
What is your team most looking forward to this year?
- We are looking forward to watching our students grow both academically, socially, and emotionally.
Advice for families to help your student succeed in and outside of the classroom.
- ST Math and MyOn are available to your child outside of school hours.
- We encourage 20-30 minutes of independent reading for your child each day!
- We encourage you to work with your child to look for mathematical and scientific connections in your everyday world including force, cooking, measurement, time, estimation, etc.
- Students should practice their multiplication facts each night.
- Below are question stems that you can use to increase comprehension when reading with your child.
Before your child reads a book, ask:
- Why did you select this book?
- What makes you think this book is going to be interesting?
- What do you think the book is going to be about?
- Does this book remind you of anything else you’ve already read or seen?
- What kind of characters do you think will be in the book?
- What do you think is going to happen?
While your child is reading a book, try asking:
- Will you catch me up on the story? What’s happened so far?
- What do you think will happen next?
- If you were that character, what would you have done differently in that situation?
- If the book was a TV show, which actors would you cast in it?
- What is the setting of the story? Where does it take place?
- If the main character in that story lived next door, would you be friends?
- What does the place look like in your head as you read? Would you want to visit there?
- Did you learn any new words or facts so far?
After your child has finished a book, ask questions like:
- What was your favorite part of the book? Why?
- Who was your favorite character? Why?
- What was the most interesting thing you learned from the book?
- Why do you think the author wrote this book?
- Would you have ended the book differently? Did it end the way you thought it would?
- Did the problem of the book’s plot get solved?
- If you could change one thing in the book, what would it be?
We are looking forward to a fun year and we thank you for your continued support!

Brigid Buck
Grades 4-6 Teacher, ES