1st Grade Newsletter

By 1st Grade Team
First Grade
November 17, 2023

Important Dates & Reminders

  • Thanksgiving break: November 22-24
  • Continue working on the sight word packets at home 

Updates on Our Learning:

Language Arts

  • We started our nonfiction unit. We have been discussing the differences between fiction and nonfiction books.
  • We have started our How to Books in writing. Students will choose something they know, like or do and write a book teaching someone else to do that.


  • We have started our geometry unit. The shapes we are focusing on are squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles.
  • In small groups, we are working on counting, addition/subtraction strategies, and structuring to 5 or 10.


  • In science, we are learning about the changes happening in fall. This includes the changes in temperature, plants, and how animals are preparing for winter.

Social Studies

  • We are learning about honesty and truthfulness
  • We are learning about what it means to vote and the election process.