3rd Grade Newsletter

By 3rd Grade Team
Third Grade
September 27, 2024

Important Dates & Reminders

  • October 3rd, 2024- Rosh Hashanah (No School)
  • October 4th, 2024- Student Holiday
  • TBD Week of October 8th- Unit 2 Math Assessment on Addition and Subtraction/Place Value

What are we learning?

Language Arts

  • In Language Arts, we are learning about how to write an informative/explanatory essay about    how living things survive in their environment. 
  • We are also learning about how to use key details to both support a topic sentence and to determine the main idea of a text. 


  • In Math, we are learning about how to use Place Value knowledge to support us in subtracting and adding numbers together. 
  • We are also learning how to order and compare numbers up to the thousands place value using number lines. For example: 3,500, 4,678 and 4, 680. 


  • In Science, we are learning about the life cycle of the ladybug. Ex: Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult Ladybug. 
  • We are also learning what it means to be an Entomologist (a person who studies life cycles of insects), and how we can use observations to learn more about the changes that a ladybug goes through.

Questions to ask your child at home.

  • What are animal disguises you have learned about?
  • What does the word camouflage mean and how does it help animals survive?
  • What is the expanded form of 4,589? 
  • What is the life cycle of a ladybug?

Social-Emotional Learning

  • Students are working on taking deep breaths in and outside of the ‘take a break’/ ‘calm down’ corner to be able to regain self-control. 
  • Please have a conversation with your child about how taking deep breaths can help them regain their self-control in the classroom.