6th Grade Newsletter

By 6th Grade Team
Sixth Grade
March 31, 2023

Important Dates & Reminders


  • April 3-7: Spring Break
  • April 10: Sandburg MS Tour
  • April 13: Early Release/End of Q3
  • April 14: Student Holiday 
  • April 21: Student Holiday

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • In reading, students are reading historical fiction books and meeting weekly with their book club groups to discuss the weekly assigned reading. Students have been working on writing summaries and focusing on character, summary, and plot.
  • In writing, students have been researching a historical time period or event. Students will then write a historical fiction short story, journal, or letter for their chosen time period. 

Home/School Connection

Questions to connect with your student

  • What book are you reading for book club? What is it about?
  • What time period or event did you choose for your writing?
  • Are you going to do a short story, journal, or letter?


What are we learning?

In math, students have been working on proportional reasoning. Students have learned how to find unit rate, complete rate charts, and then graph given rates on a coordinate plane. 

Home/School Connection

Questions to ask your students:

  • What is a unit rate?
  • Which comes first, the x or y axis?
  • How many ways are there to write a ratio?


What are we learning?

We will continue with the second half of our H20 unit to explore the connections between water, resources and agriculture, power generation, and public health. Then we will begin our new unit on Energy to focus on the advantages and disadvantages to using energy sources.

Home/School Connection

Questions to ask your students:

  • How can water resources be managed responsibly?
  • How can we protect, maintain, and manage energy resources and the environment?

Social Studies

What are we learning?

In social studies, students learned about the Revolutionary War. Students then learned about the new nation and how it was built. Students researched one of the first five presidents and presented their research to the class. Students also learned about westward expansion including technology advancements.

Home/School Connection

Questions to ask your students:

  • What is a cotton gin, mechanical reaper, steamboat, steam locomotive?
  • What was the break up letter that the colonists wrote to Britain? (Hint: Declaration of Independence)