PreSchool/PAC Newsletter

By PreSchool/PAC Team
March 31, 2023

Happy Spring!

We begin the 4th quarter with a theme of Life Cycle. We will learn about life cycles of plants, insects, and animal corresponded with the season of Spring. The students will gain a sense of self within the world. We will also plan for our spring field trip. More information about the field trip will come soon.

Important Dates & Reminders

  • April 3rd ~ 7th: Spring break/ No school
  • April 13th: End of 3rd Quarter/ AM classes- 1hr early release/ No PM classes
  • April 14th: Student Holiday/ Professional workday
  • April 21st: Holiday/ No school

What We Are Learning


  • Learning goals in April
  • Topic: Life Cycle


Outcomes (may vary by classroom)

What students will learn:

  • All living things need resources to grow and have a life cycle.
  • People and plants need food, water, a space to grow, and sunlight.


Language Arts:

  • Begin to identify words that rhyme and generate a simple rhyme
  • Begin to make predictions using pictures.
  • Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read.


  • Tell how many are in a given set of 10 or fewer objects using one-to-one correspondence.
  • Participate in collecting and organizing data.


Social Studies:

  • Notice changes or patterns in the environment.


  • Investigate and identify things that are alive.
  • Investigate that things that are alive have certain characteristics (e.g., growth, movement, offspring, etc.)

Learning Activities for Home

  • Daily reading 10 mins with caregivers
  • Read a book and draw a picture about the story with caregivers
  • Take a walk outside and find living and non-living things around nature
  • Sing nursery rhymes and discuss rhyming words
  • Math practice- Orally count a group of objects (1-10) while touching each object and tell how many
  • Self-help and –advocacy
  • I can wear my clothing. I can ask for help and explain what I need.

Shared Reading

  • When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes
  • Rain by Robert Kalan
  • Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
  • Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • In the Small, Small Pond by Dense Fleming
  • Living Things and Nonliving Things: A Compare and Contrast Book by Kevin Kurts

Health and Safety

  • Keep your child home when h/she has a fever, constant coughing, is exposed to COVID-19, is asymptomatic, or has any other sickness: Fever equal to/ greater than 100.4 F/ Vomiting/ Diarrhea
  • New symptoms: lost taste, shortness of breath, fatigue, feverish and chill, etc.


  • If a student’s bus is delayed, contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150.
  • For any concerns after hours (after 5:30 p.m.), contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.