4th Grade Newsletter

By 4th Grade Team
Fourth Grade
February 07, 2023

Hello, 4th grade families! Can you believe that we are halfway through the school year?! We have been enjoying working with your students and look forward to all of the learning that we will do this month.

Important Dates & Reminders

  • Valentine’s Day: February 14 
  • Presidents Day: February 20 (no school)

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • We are starting our critical literacy and persuasive review units. Students will think about the 4 Ps (perspective, power, position and privilege) when consuming media such as commercials, articles and books. They will write a persuasive review including an opinion and reasons for that opinion.

Home/School Connection

  • Encourage your student to back up their opinions with reasons. Examine media (songs, commercials, etc.) using the 4 Ps.


What are we learning?

We are working on understanding decimals up to the thousandths place:

  • Reading and writing 
  • Comparing and ordering
  • Adding and subtracting
  • Understanding them as fractions

Home/School Connection

  • Encourage students to interact with decimals in daily life, for example with money, time, and measuring items. You can find numbers with thousandths at the gas station!


What are we learning?

We are beginning our oceans unit. Students will learn about the importance of the ocean and how people interact with it.

Home/School Connection

Ask students what they are learning and how different organisms interact with each other.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

The next unit that we will be learning about after we complete our oceans unit is the Revolutionary War.

Home/School Connection

Ask students about what they are learning in social studies and how it is different from their lives today.