1st Grade Newsletter

By 1st Grade Team
First Grade
January 05, 2023

Language Arts

What are we learning?

We have started our poetry unit! We learned about Van Gogh and his artwork. Students then created their own artwork inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night but made it snowy night. They are now writing their own poems about their artwork! We are looking forward to exploring more about poetry!

Home/School Connection

  • Explore non-fiction books with your child.
  • Take a trip to the local library to read non-fiction
  • Pick your favorite poem and read it with your child.
  • Explore kids poetry 
  • Explore the website Poetry 4 Kids


What are we learning?

  • We will count objects and write numerals up to 110.
  • As we become more efficient at counting, we are challenged to count groups of objects by twos, fives, and tens.
  • We will reason about the magnitude of one-, two-, and three-digit quantities.  This is another term for estimation.   While working on these counting skills, we will describe the patterns we notice in our number system.

Home/School Connection

  • Practice counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
  • Count a set of objects at home (rice, pasta, coins, etc.)
  • Practice counting forwards and backwards


What are we learning?

  • We will explore seasonal changes happening as well as changes in human habits, especially clothing choices, the changes in trees, and changes animals are or will be making.
  • We will use the motion of birds to think about movement and explore the concept that motion and sound are connected.
  • We will look for changes that come with Winter and changes in animals during the winter are explored by looking at birds, and specifically how and what they eat.

Home/School Connection

  • Read non-fiction books about animals in winter or winter weather
  • Draw pictures of the changes that are happening outside and write about it​​​​​​​

Social Studies

What are we learning?

  • We will think about the traits of a good citizen, on and offline.  We will explore valuing honesty and truthfulness in themselves and others. 
  • We will participate in classroom decision-making. 
  • We will discuss that the people of Virginia have state and local government officials who are elected by voters. 
  • We will explore how to make contributions to our communities.

Home/School Connection

  • Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and the importance of honesty
  • Explore the different leaders in Virginia and the United States