1st Grade Newsletter

By 1st Grade Team
First Grade
June 02, 2023

Important Dates & Reminders

  • June 6: 1st grade class party from 2:00-3:00 in the cafeteria!
  • June 13: Field day
  • June 16: the last day of school!

Language Arts

What are we learning?


  • Understand that telling oral stories and participating in creative dramatics develops comprehension.
  • Understand that they will use a variety of strategies to read unfamiliar words and confirm meaning.
  • Understand that word meanings can be comprehended through context, discussion, connections to familiar words, and knowledge of vocabulary from other content areas.


  • Understand that well-crafted, persuasive writing influences the reader’s thinking, feeling, or action.
  • Understand that in a democratic society people have the right to voice opinions and persuasive writing is an effective tool to impact the thinking of others.
  • Understand that writers use feedback from others to clarify ideas and broaden perspective in order to strengthen their arguments.

Home/School Connection

  • Students can write their own plays and act them out
  • Students can read books with dialogue (characters talking)
  • Students can create a persuasive  poster or write a letter about something they care about and want to change


What are we learning?

  • Tell time to the hour and half-hour, using analog and digital clocks 
  • Read and interpret a calendar 
  • The student will use nonstandard units to measure and compare length, weight, and volume


Home/School Connection

  • Practice reading a clock at home
  • Look through a calendar (days in a week, days in a month, holidays)
  • Measure things at home using paper clips, pencils, crayons, etc)​​​​​​​


What are we learning?

  • Scientists ask questions, observe, classify, and conduct investigations in order to study and communicate their understanding of the natural world.
  • There is a relationship between the sun and Earth that can be observed through patterns in nature.
  • The sun is the primary source of energy providing light and warmth for Earth.
  • Living things respond to factors in their environment, including weather and change of seasons
  • Human actions can affect the world around us. 
  • Natural resources can be used responsibly through conservation.​​​​​​​

Home/School Connection

  • Discuss why the sun is in a different place throughout the day (go outside at different times throughout the day to see this change take place)
  • Discuss why an animal's environment is so important and what happens to the animal when changes in the environment occur
  • Go outside and see how many natural resources you can find!​​​​​​​

Social Studies

What are we learning?

  • The student will explain that people make choices because they cannot have everything they want. 
  • The student will understand that people save money for the future to purchase goods and services. 
  • The student will develop map skills by
    • a) recognizing map symbols including land, water, cities, roads, etc. 
    • b) use cardinal directions on maps 
    • c) construct simple maps that include a title, map legend, and compass rose ​​​​​​​

Home/School Connection

  • Discuss needs, wants, consumers, producers, goods and services
  • Discuss choices people make with their money
  • Explore different types of maps. Have students look in the map key for the different symbols. Discuss what the symbols mean​​​​​​​