4th Grade Newsletter

By 4th Grade Team
Fourth Grade
June 02, 2023

Hi 4th grade families! We have enjoyed working with your students this year. We have many end of the year events happening in June. We are looking forward to a fun end of the year with your students!

Important Dates & Reminders

  • June 7: Music Concert in the gym
  • June 13: Field day
  • June 15: 4th Grade Classroom Celebrations
  • June 16: Talent Show, Last Day of School - 2 hour early release!

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • We are participating in books clubs and using strategies we’ve learned through the year to guide our discussions.

Home/School Connection

  • Encourage your student to read their book club books at home and talk with them about what they are reading.


What are we learning?

  • We are working on a measurement zoo project that involves area and perimeter and converting different units of measurement such as pounds, ounces and gallons.

Home/School Connection

  • Look for examples of measuring things out in the real world. Ask your student about their zoo projects.


What are we learning?

We will be finishing our solar system unit. We are learning about the 8 planets, the sun, the moon, and the causes of the seasons.

Home/School Connection

Look at the moon each night. Your student can draw what the moon looks like each night and you can talk to them about the different phases.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

We have wrapped up our social studies unit on the Revolutionary War.

Home/School Connection

Ask students about what they learned about the Revolutionary War.