We are beginning to get into the cold/flu season. Please practice teaching your child how to blow their nose and remind them to cough in their elbow to help stop the spread of germs. Please make sure you are packing winter wear for recess. If your child needs winter wear clothing email our Parent Liaison: @email
December 7: PTA meeting at 6 pm (virtual and in person)
December 13: Winter chorus concert
December 14: Interims go home to families
December 18-Jan 2: Winter Break
What are we learning?
Language Arts
We are learning about the letters Yy and Vv
We are learning that authors can write pattern books
We are learning how to read write and represent numbers 1-20
We are learning how to count from 1-31
We are working on identifying numbers before and after for numbers 1-30
We are learning about living vs nonliving things.
Social Studies
We are learning about maps and globes
We are learning about how things change over time.