4th Grade Newsletter

By 4th Grade Team
Fourth Grade
April 28, 2023

Hi 4th grade families! We can’t believe that we are already in the 4th quarter. Your students have grown so much this year! This month they will take their math and reading SOLs. Please make sure they get a good night of sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast the morning of the test.

Important Dates & Reminders

  • May 10 - Reading SOL
  • May 24 - Math SOL
  • May 29 - Memorial Day, No School

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • We are reviewing fictional and nonfictional texts. We will make inferences, draw conclusions, sequence and summarize. We are writing fictional stories.

Home/School Connection

  • It is encouraged for students to read at least 20 minutes nightly. Ask your student to summarize what they are reading.


What are we learning?

  • We will be starting our geometry and measurement units. In geometry we will learn about types of lines, quadrilaterals and 3D shapes. In measurement we will learn about length, weight, capacity, area and perimeter.

Home/School Connection

  • Look for examples of geometry in real life! Measure items around the house with your student, you can even cook together!


What are we learning?

We will be starting our solar system unit. We will learn about the 8 planets, the sun, the moon, and the causes of the seasons.

Home/School Connection

Look at the moon each night. Your student can draw what the moon looks like each night and you can talk to them about the different phases.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

We will continue learning about the Revolutionary War - the causes, important people and battles and the outcome.

Home/School Connection

Ask students about what they are learning in social studies and how it is different from their lives today.