PreSchool/PAC Newsletter
Take a peek at our month:
We will continue building an understanding of the Theme, Who I Am in My World. Children continue their inquiry into life cycles by exploring natural resources in different habitats that help living things survive. We will take an outdoor learning trip to an animal farm.
Important Dates & Reminders
- May 12th: Field Trip/Special Olympics
- May 18th: Field Trip/Flying Pan Park
- May 29st : Memorial Day/ Holiday
- June 9th: Last day of Preschool
What We Are Learning
- Learning goals in May/June
- Topic: Natural Resources
Outcomes (may vary by classroom)
What students will learn:
- Farms provide different kinds of food.
- Nature affects changes and life on the farm.
- Natural resources help life grow and survive.
Language Arts:
- Begin to identify match consonant sounds to appropriate letters
- Begin to relate previous experiences to what is read.
- Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read.
- Model and solve story problems with sums to 5 and differences within 5, using concrete objects
- Participate in collecting and organizing data.
- Identify, copy and being to extend simple patterns using a variety of materials
Social Studies:
- Observe physical surroundings and the effects of weather
- Investigate that materials and objects can be used again
- Investigate that plants and animals change as they grow
Learning Activities for Home
- Daily reading for 10 mins with caregivers
- Read a book and draw a picture about the story with caregivers
- Take a walk outside and find living and non-living things around nature
- Sing counting nursery rhymes with fingers (e.g., 5 Little Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Monkeys)
- Self-help and –advocacy
- I can ask for help and explain what I need.
- I use words to express my thoughts.
Shared Reading
- The Mixed-up Chameleon by Eric Carle
- The Big Red Barn
- Dear Zoo by Campbell
- Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? By Eric Carle
- In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming
- Mr. Seahorse by Eric Carle
- Perfect Square by Michael Hall
- Trashy Town by Andrea Simmerman
Health and Safety
- keep your child home when h/she has fever, constant coughing, exposed to COVID-19, asymptomatic, or has any other sickness: Fever equal to/ greater than 100.4 F/ Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ shortness of breath, fatigue, feverish and chill, etc.
- If a student’s bus is delayed, contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150.
- For any concerns after hours (after 5:30 p.m.), contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.