PreSchool/PAC Newsletter

By PreSchool/PAC Team
November 03, 2022

Welcome to the 2nd quarter of the school year, where we will learn about family, culture, and the Winter Season.  We will begin with the family theme: family members and relationship to self this month. We will also incorporate the theme of Thanksgiving.

Important Dates & Reminders

  • November 7th: Election Day/ Student Holiday
  • November 11th: Veteran’s Day/ Student Holiday
  • November 23rd to 25th: Thanksgiving break/ Student Holiday
  • December 19th – Jan. 2nd: Winter Break/Student Holiday

What We Are Learning



Outcomes (may vary by classroom)

What students will learn:

  • We will learn to share information about our own families.
  • We will learn about similarities and differences between families.

Language Arts:

  • Begin to engage in creative dramatics
  • Begin to identify and name some upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet


  • Tell how many are in a given set of 10 or fewer objects
  • Recognize and select numerals to represent numbers 1-10
  • Begin to understand the terms more, fewer, and same

Social Studies:

  • Begin to understand self and family as well as being members of a diverse community


  • Investigate sequences according to size (large, medium, small)

Home/School Connection

  • Daily reading 10 mins/ draw a picture with caregivers
  • Create your own family tree and discuss the relationship to each family member
  • Math practice- gather two sets of objects (1-5) and discuss which set has fewer, more, or the same
  • Play outside
    • create a hunting list and do a nature hunt
    • measure and sequence each item by size (small, medium, large)
  • Self-help and advocacy:
    • I can wear my clothing.
    • I can ask for help and explain what I need with “Can I _____?”

Shared Reading

  • The Family Book by Todd Parr
  • Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney
  • Families by Shelley Rotner & Sheila M. Kelly
  • Joshua’s Night Whispers by Angela Johnson
  • The Relative Came by Cynthia Rylant
  • Give Thanks for Each Day by Steve Metzger

Health and Safety

Please keep your child home when he/she has a fever, constant coughing, is exposed to COVID-19, or has any other sickness such as a fever equal to/ greater than 100.4 F, vomiting, diarrhea, new symptoms: lost taste, shortness of breath, fatigue, feverish and chill, etc.


  • If a student’s bus is delayed, contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150.
  • For any concerns after hours (after 5:30 p.m.), contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.