PreSchool/PAC Newsletter
Happy December!
This month, we will learn about family culture. The students will learn their heritage and cultural tradition through food, music, and celebrations. Winter break is coming too.
Important Dates & Reminders
- December 19th – Jan. 2nd : Winter Break/Student Holiday
- January 16th: Martin Luther king Jr.’s Birthday/ Holiday
- Jan 25th: End of the 2nd Q/ 2hr early release
- Jan 26th and 27th: Student holidays/ Teacher workday
What We Are Learning
Family culture/Heritage
Outcomes (may vary by classroom)
What students will learn:
- Our classroom community is made up of representatives from various countries and cultures
- All the cultures should be valued and respected.
Language Arts:
- Tell about his/her drawing and writing
- Begin to identify story elements: characters, setting, and events
- Compare two objects for length, weight, volume
- Recognize and describe plane figures (circle, triangle, rectangle, square)
- Identify, copy, or extend simple patterns using a variety of materials
Social Studies:
- Notice similarities and differences about people, places, or events
- Investigate comparing common objects for length and mass
Learning Activities for Home
- Daily reading 10 mins/ draw a picture with caregivers
- Dress up your family’s traditional customs
- Cook a simple cultural food with the child
- Listen to your cultural songs and dance together
- Math practice- compare two objects at home for weight and lengths (short/tall, heavy/light)
Shared Reading
- We’re Different, We’re the Same. by Bobbi Kates, Joe Mathieu
- Bee-Bim Bop by Linda Sue Park
- The Cazuela by Samantha R. Vamos
- If you give mouse a cookie by Laura Numeroff
- Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett
- Christmas Cheer for The Grouch Ladybug by Eric Carle
Health and Safety
- Keep your child home when h/she has fever, constant coughing, exposed to COVID-19, asymptomatic, or has any other sickness: Fever equal to/ greater than 100.4 F/ Vomiting/ Diarrhea
- New symptoms: lost taste, shortness of breath, fatigue, feverish and chill, etc.
Winter Weather
- FCPS Winter Weather Decisions
- In the case of emergency for a weather-related closing, delay, or early dismissal, the FCPS website will automatically include an alert at the top of each page with the appropriate information.
- If a student’s bus is delayed, contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150.
- For any concerns after hours (after 5:30 p.m.), contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.