PreSchool/PAC Newsletter
Important Dates & Reminders
- December 18th – Jan. 1st : Winter Break/ School Holiday
- January 15th: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday/ Holiday
- Jan 25th: End of the 2nd Quarter/ 2hr early release/ AM preschools dismiss at 11 AM/ No PM preschools
- Jan 26th: Student holidays/ Professional workday
Updates on Our Learning:
- The children have been learning about family heritage and culture. As they explore traditions, customs, food, and celebrations of various countries/cultures, the children are learning to understand their own culture/family heritages and defining culture. The preschool team is planning various family holiday events to expand the understanding of family and culture.
Health and Safety
- Keep your child home when h/she has a fever, constant coughing, is exposed to COVID-19, is asymptomatic, or has any other sickness: Fever equal to/ greater than 100.4 F/ Vomiting/ Diarrhea/ shortness of breath, fatigue, feverish and chill, etc.
- If a student’s bus is delayed, contact the Transportation Office at 703-446-2150. For any concerns after hours (after 5:30 p.m.), contact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000.
Colder Weather = Warmer Clothes
- Please send students with jackets/sweatshirts for school. The weather turns colder over the next few weeks and we finally welcome some winter temps. We still plan to maximize our time outside. Students will be more comfortable if they wear the right attire. Thank you in advance for helping your child stay warm!