Specialists Newsletter

By Specialists Team
September 27, 2024

Important Dates & Reminders

  • PTA is sponsoring an Art Contest “Accepting Imperfections” Due Oct 20th 
    • The art piece must include the theme “Accepting Imperfections” and an artist statement of 10 words or less must accompany the artwork.
    • Students must also fill out a complete form with the artwork submission 

What are we learning?


  • This month is Hispanic Heritage Month! All classes are working on a project geared toward Hispanic artists. Some of the artists include Pablo Picasso, Frida Khalo, and Salvador Dali. 
  • We are also working on creating an “Ofrenda” type of project that will be displayed in the cafeteria.


  • All students in physical education class are participating in various fitness activities learning about 5 intensity levels, 5 components of fitness, and the 6 benefits of physical education.


  • All music students are learning proper singing posture and technique while learning to sing the Kodaly sulfege syllables (i.e. do, re, mi., etc.). 
  • All students are learning about the meaning of patriotism as it applies to different countries. They are also studying the history behind and the lyrics to patriotic songs of America.  
  • Students are engaging in movement exercises to show a steady beat. 
  • K-2 students are using rhythm sticks and other classroom instruments to read and play rhythm notation.  
  • Third and fourth graders are starting to play songs on their recorders.  
  • Students in grades 5 and 6 are learning about dynamics and steady beat by playing the bucket drums.


  • K-1 Students are involved in using the STEAM Lego Park kit. This kit provides students with opportunities to think like scientists as they build models, and experiment and test ideas to answer questions.  
  • Students in grades 2-6 are learning the Experimental Design Process (understanding Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Hypothesis, and Constants) through hands-on experiments.   


  • Students are checking books in and out - over 850 so far this year :) 
  • Check out happenings in the library on Instagram @booksforbulldogs 
  • Book Fair December 2nd week 
  • Any questions? Contact Mrs. Ames, Librarian  @email  703-660-2931


  • Strings students had their first class the week of  September 16th
  • 4th Grade Strings will be every Tuesday, and 5th/6th Strings every Wednesday
  • So far, we have covered instrument care, the parts of our instruments, and the names of our strings
  • Students have also been learning proper playing position

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

  • As a specialist team, we are focusing on the Creative and Critical Thinker attribute within the Portrait of a Graduate framework.  We will focus on having students be able to recognize growth in the area of being able to revise and refine to improve.  We will introduce this still to students this month!